Tuesday 18 August 2009


Forgot - I intend to use the trip for fundraising (probably towards MS therapy). I am financing the trip myself so any funds raised/donations will all go to the charity concerned.

Please look out for my sponsorship pleas/publicity and when appropriate, gimme loadsa money! Watch this space.


Wednesday 12 August 2009

First Post

This first post is premature - I'm not ready to start a blog yet but, thanks to Simon Gandolfi (http://simongandolfi.blogspot.com/), I got my finger out and created this in advance.

My reason for starting a blog is in anticipation of my bike trip (Honda CBF 600) round Europe from Gibraltar to Kaunas in Lithuania, from birding site to birding site and avoiding large cities/congestion all the way.

No-one will read this (at least not until the trip attracts a little attention from friends, contacts or other interested parties). If you stumble across it meantime, here is the plan;

Leave for Santander, Nth Spain around 12th April 2010, Monfrague National park, Coto Donana, Gib (hope for mass migration across the straits), stay at John's place in Murcia? (Hi Joop!) Pyrenees (Lammergeier?), France (Camargue?), Nth Italy (stay with Colin & Alison? - Hi guys!), Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria (Wallcreeper), Istanbul?, Black Sea (Dalmation Pelicans?), Romania, Slovakia, Poland (Black Woodpecker?), Lithuania (meet Wilma's family, visit her grave), home by ferries via Denmark. Home by 24th May (6 weeks - long enough?)

Anyone with any comments or advice about all this, your contribution/contact most welcome.