Saturday 30 January 2010


After some deliberation, I've decided to split the fundraising attempt between two charities; one to recognise the importance of nature conservation and it's relevance to my trip (couldn't do it without the birds!) and one to support the MS charity that helped Anne so much while we lived in Harrow: the Harrow MS Therapy Centre. With Anne struggling without me while I'm away, I thought this was appropriate.

PLEASE DON'T DONATE YET TO EITHER CHARITY! I'd hate people to donate then something goes wrong and I don't even start the trip*. Bit negative but I'd rather know for sure that all is ok. I'll be publicising all this sometime in March ... THEN GIMME LOADSA MONEY! (please).

For now, what I'd really like is constructive criticism, suggestions, ideas on this blog and on the charity pages so please click the links to the right & have a look (click on "donate" - you won't have to give money at this stage).

* I know someone has already contributed to the MS one but that is a rather special person who is connected with the charity in a major way already - thanks Ann! (not my wife Anne, by the way)

Monday 25 January 2010


Hi. I've added a widget for the fundraising aspect of the trip. Its on the left; "" but it's not working yet. It would be great if everyone could contribute. I'd like to add an alternative for a bird or birding charity but I need to work on that ...

Just did it! Anyone care to test the links & content for me? As before, comments/suggestions about the blog or fundraising pages very welcome.

Saturday 23 January 2010

Richard's MSR whisperlite stove

Hey Richard! Follow your whisperlite here! When it arrives, I'll update this & say hi again (& leave you perfect feedback on ebay). Cheers!

PS - stove received & all looks good. Haven't tried it yet
PPS - how do you use the foil bits?? Are they both windsheilds? Even the little circular one?

Wednesday 20 January 2010

The First Step!

After months of hanging back & juggling dates but mainly care arrangemnts for Anne ... I have booked the ferry crossing for me and the bike ... YAY!

Portsmouth to Santander, Northern Spain, Weds 14th April 2010. The plan is for 6 weeks, finishing in Lithuania to see Wilma's grave (I never did say goodbye to her), home by ferries via Denmark to Folkestone, or maybe by train across N. Europe for 26th May.

It's on ... watch this space!
