Monday 24 June 2013

Book nearly written, still looking for a publisher

Well over a year since there's been any activity here. Well, the trip has been over for three years ... so that makes sense!
Now, I'm getting close to finishing my book about the whole thing. I guess, it's only a book if it gets published ... or is it.

Anyway, I'm writing it as a book to be read and I'm nearly finished the first draft (one more chapter to go out of 10 & aiming to be done by August)

Posting this to turn the blog into a record of my attempt to get the book finished, edited ... and published.

I've no idea if it's good enough ...

But here goes!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

100% fundraising target reached!

Thanks Iain for adding that last, all important £15 to take me to my target for the MS Therapy Centre.

I'm still writing - 25000 words, 65 pages so far (24999 will probably get dumped)


Saturday 23 April 2011

Birdwatching Magazine Article April 2011 pp 82-83 and I'm looking for a book publisher!!

Hi again,
Finally my birding article has appeared in Bird Watching magazine. Thanks to all at the mag, particularly Sheena Harvey who has been my contact and adviser from first meeting at the British Bird Watching Fair 2010. Thanks also to those who helped with both articles (see also post on Rider's Digest); Claire and Iain for proof reading and John for reading and suggesting a joke!

Oddly enough, I prefer the biking article in Rider's Digest; it seems more complete, being a precis but complete account of the journey. Bird Watching could only stretch to a short section (I chose Extramadura, Spain in the hope that they might take up my suggestion of a follow up on other parts).

Still, these two articles represent the fulfillment of an ambition to make something of the trip and do some writing. Spurred on by this success, I am writing a book about the whole thing. Sounds very grand but I have no illusions and am presently waiting for feedback from editors on two sample chapters. I'll write the thing regardless, just for "The Record".

I don't know if further entries here will be of any intertest but I'll try to update in case this is of interest to anyone else hoping to write, travel etc. At the moment though, this feels like writing into a vacuum ...

Bye for now,


Saturday 27 November 2010

For Rider's Digest Readers

Hi! Hope you enjoyed my article in The Digest & glad you followed the link - I hope you enjoy the extra bits here in the blog (sorry it's more birdy than bikey).
First a couple of corrections/apologies;
The list of stretches of road referred to in the article never appeared with it - you've been sent here instead. In the next few days, I'll upload the list here (& probably send to Rider's Digest) - WATCH THIS SPACE!
The photo of Yellow Wagtail isn't - it's a Grey Wagtail!

Thanks again for visiting (& leave a comment if you want)


Monday 31 May 2010


Hello and thanks for visiting. Sadly, my trip biking and birding round Europe is over - but The Blog lives on!

On the left is the route as planned in winter '09; I did every little bit of it, I'm now proud to say. Entries here appear in reverse order. It makes sense to go to the beginning then move forward to whatever takes your interest ...

Here's how it works;

Go to the right hand column and click on the blog archive (above the "justgiving" logos). It starts with "I'm off" in April (before that there are some entries made during the planning stages). Note; you can click on the photos to enlarge but be careful - don't close the window - press your "back" arrow instead. Some pics bring up as a slide show which is easier (but many don't).

Finally, some trip statistics;

Birds - 242 (43 Lifers)
Miles - 5895
Days - 47
Countries - 15
Mountain ranges crossed - 6
Ferries - 3
Falls off the bike - 1
New friends - at least 10
Dogs - more than 20!

Please leave a comment (or even a donation!). Hope you enjoy it.



Well, that's it. Trip over. I'm back!

It was long and hard at times but hugely enjoyable and a great experience. My main reason for going was to do at least some of the things I always wanted to do but knew I never would if I just carried on saying "some day" ... Also, with Anne's MS, it would become less and less viable. I doubt I will ever do anything like it again, not even on a small scale.
For now, thanks to all who followed & sent messages of encouragement and support. Thanks also to those who have already donated money to the charities. The MS one is the clear favourite. Thank you. Feel free to give to the Birdy one; it is so appropriate given the nature (sic!) of my trip. Thanks to those who gave to that.

A special thank you to those people who don't know me particularly well but nevertheless donated money early on and generously. I was touched by this, thank you (you know who you are ... including the anonymous one)

To those who intend to donate, can I twist arms a little; please don't foget. I would like to reach the target £1000. Arbitrary, I know but many people have said they will contribute so maybe I'll get there.

TO DONATE, JUST CLICK ONE OF THE BLUE "JUSTGIVING" LINKS TO THE RIGHT OF THIS PAGE. (Note; I financed the trip myself - none of your money comes to me, it goes straight to the charity)

Getting Home (ferries, bikes, Rowald, Michelle & Dave, four Norwegian Bikers)

A few catch up notes & pics about the return home stage of my journey;

Ferry at Klaipeda, Lithuania (25th May)

Red Cross trucks ready to go on the ferry
 (hello to Henning Kramer and his wife -
good luck with your Red Cross work)

Bye-bye Lithuania
Rowald (the Baltic Airways Fokker pilot) and his nearly new BMW 650. Hope you got to Holland ok and good luck with left hand guitars!
Next ferry; 27th May, Esbjerg to Harwich; lashing down the bikes in the hold. Hi to the four bikers from Norway on their way to Ireland. Hope the A14 got you past Birmingham as planned. 

Safely tied down - we hope!

Michelle & Dave. Great adverts for Aus. (& Michelle for Cornwall!) Hope your onward journey in the UK goes well and maybe you'll manage to fit in a visit to Dunrobin Castle (about one hour north of Inverness on the A9 - famous road & great for biking  - especially further north still in Caithness). Nice meeting you & send me a message when you can. Love the Deauville!
27th May; Bye-bye Esgjerg, Europe and Bikingwithbirds!