Monday 31 May 2010


Hello and thanks for visiting. Sadly, my trip biking and birding round Europe is over - but The Blog lives on!

On the left is the route as planned in winter '09; I did every little bit of it, I'm now proud to say. Entries here appear in reverse order. It makes sense to go to the beginning then move forward to whatever takes your interest ...

Here's how it works;

Go to the right hand column and click on the blog archive (above the "justgiving" logos). It starts with "I'm off" in April (before that there are some entries made during the planning stages). Note; you can click on the photos to enlarge but be careful - don't close the window - press your "back" arrow instead. Some pics bring up as a slide show which is easier (but many don't).

Finally, some trip statistics;

Birds - 242 (43 Lifers)
Miles - 5895
Days - 47
Countries - 15
Mountain ranges crossed - 6
Ferries - 3
Falls off the bike - 1
New friends - at least 10
Dogs - more than 20!

Please leave a comment (or even a donation!). Hope you enjoy it.



  1. Hi Rob! Welcome back - glad to see you got home safely; give the bike and your back a well-earned rest!

  2. Hello Andrew. I hope you are well. Thanks so much for your blog comments over the weeks. We must meet up soon. Let me know good or bad times for you & we can arrange. Cheers for now, Rob

  3. Man you look rough (oops sorry rugged), is the beard staying given your now well-earned birder status? I look forward to catching up properly Rooter. John

  4. Rough is right! Dunno bout the beard - it itches and traps food but if trimmed a bit I might keep for a while - even if only to annoy Anne cos she hates it! Yep, proper catch up on the cards (btw, final trip total = 221, 3 or 4 I want to count but can't because I didn't get an ID view of my own, at least 10 others I really should/could have got, 43 lifers). Root!

  5. FINAL TRIP BIRD TOTAL = 243 (not 221 as above; must've miscounted that day!)
