Friday 14 May 2010

Pension Elena Zranesti central Romania , modes of transport, more birds!

Hi again, again. Firstly THANK YOU  to Gigi Popa & his wife Elena for making my stay here relaxed and authentic at Pension Elena (photo opp). Even though I missed wallcreeper (went the wrong way!) , I enjoyed the woods and mountains. Even got a lift on one of the many horse & carts in E.Europe (see photo). this has to be brief cos I am using Gigi's computer (by the way, every keyboard is different -esp in different countries - makes it slow).

I am off now to Hungary via one more night in Romania (Transylvannia). The mountain ranges here are very wild but walkable. Lots of walking groups here.

Also - HELLO KEVIN BELL from Vancouver. Hope we meet again & hope you got those Bustards, they can be real bustards to find (the old ones are the best ones!)
 Right ... photos!


View from my window

Wood land walk

Rock Bunting
Grey Wagtail

Modes of transport!
Got a lift on this one (there are more but running out of time)

Trip Blog Dog! (for you Jess)


  1. Lucky git :D, the photos look great! Very jealous. With the rough roads and bike repairs, you're definitely going the long way round....well done!!

    Good luck with the next stage x

  2. just managed to set up a google account to post on this btw, so expect annoying comments :D...........

  3. hey Roots your progress looks awesome and like Iain, am very jealous. I'll post the blog details to a few birding folk and hope they respond with $$, ya never know!
    Disqualified indeed, inside knowledge wasnt that bloody helpful!!

  4. Hi Robbie Have caught up with your latest pic's. But I'm having serious probs sending this message! So can appreciate your problems with the european IT. Good Luck with the final leg of your journey. Tracey PS if this 3rd attempt doesn't go I'll have to wait for assistance from HMV!!

  5. Hello Tracey! - got that one - thanks. always good to get messages. I'm in East Poland now (can see Belarus from my window!). Last leg & hope to make it to Wilma's grave in a few days then a couple of ferries home). Take Care, Robbie

    Iain - annoying comments very welcome on this sort of gig! Yep - a lot more Long Way than I could ever have imagined ... and I don't have, camera man, support crew, GPS phones, back office etc. Mustn't over-egg the pud though ... I'm still in civilisation & have my sat nav etc. Hope things good with you ... message from my trip; stick at it! Love, Dad

    John, (btw, I don't think I can respond to comments individually so this is the best I can do) ... yes, the pics were sometimes a bit "cryptic" so you done good on the quiz. Hoping Colin & Ali find time to check blog. It would be nice to hear from them - hence request for their number - which seems to be out of service btw - maybe you can text me one of their mobile numbers?). Keep in touch, your following has been great. Almost at the end of the road now though. Bad back, killing me, be glad to get home! We'll have a chat then. Cheers
