Friday 21 May 2010

North East Poland (Bialowieza) & hello Tomek, Alpine Restaurant, Bushey!

GOD BLESS THE YOUTH HOSTELS! Walked in to Bialowieza (pronounced, bia-woh-vieh-zha)Youth Hostel and here is a PC I can use for doing me blog - like gold dust! It's also cheap. The only thing is, I have the camera all ready etc but I'm pretty sure it needs charging. Bummer! So ... I'll do a little chat then upload as many pics as it will allow. May do more tomorrow once charged.

Hello everybody and a big thanks to those who leave a comment. It's great. Everyone else join in before my trip is over?

I've had a few bad days. Four of them because of riding in rain like you have never seen - even worse when piling through it on the bike. My bike stuff is pretty waterproof ... for about an hour but after that, in torrential rain, I get pretty much soaked, arrive at hotel (no camping!) and can't get stuff dry. Have a look on web news or somewhere for the rain and flooding conditions in E. Europe because it's been all over their news and people have died in it. I've seen motorways closed (inc the ones I needed to use!), bridges down, roads washed away and houses up to windows in water. I feel lucky to have got through more or less unscathed and only one day behind.

The other bad days are because I've developed a really bad back & can hardly walk or get on/off the bike. I'm carrying on though and have a guide booked to take me into the Bialoweieza Forest Protected area where you can't go on your own. This is at 6.00am tomorrow until 9.00 & a 7Km walk. really unsure how my back will hold up but I'll give it a go - for the sake of the birdies, you know!

One good thing to come from the rain - as I sheltered from the worst storm I've had to ride the bike in (ever), I met Tomek, a nice Polish guy who made me a free coffee and let me shelter until the rain stopped in a small petrol station where he worked . Turns out he worked in a restaurant very near Harrow, which I know well (the Alpine in Bushey Heath). He was so taken with the whole coincidence, he took a photo (below). I look like the drowned rat I felt at the time - totally soaked! Hello Tomek and thank you for the coffee.

Also, I've just improved the last post by adding some pics so have a look back.


One for Mike - well. you asked for bears 'n stuff!

The other side of the coin - saw this sign in a cafe in Transylvannia

Flooding Pics

A lovely church in a lovely Polish village (Klezscele) right on the Belarus border
and inside ... this lot (sorry, turn PC on its side!)
TOMEK! (& me, the drowned rat!)


Saker Falcon, Hungary; pale head, long tail, large
 (I know the pic is rubbish but ... SAKER falcon, for God's sake!)

Turda Gorge, Romania (Transyvannia)

A beautiful church in Saschiz, central Romania (look, blue sky - this was before the rains)


  1. Hello Rob - yes I'm still following your progress and enjoying the pics! Looks like it's become more of a challenge with the rains, etc; you've done well to get through it; and I'm sorry to hear about the bad back; I know what that's like, but it's a bad time to have it; perhaps you could rest up for a couple of days? Good luck and safe journeys!

  2. Thanks Rob, Ursus Arctos - very cuddly. I guess you know The Three Crowns then? I too used to live in Bushey Heath! It's been great following your progress Robert, some great photos, and enjoyable writing, both educational and enlightening. Maybe I should start bird watching myself! A whole world of discovery, ready and waiting; and I'm surrounded by experts too. Keep the posts coming, the Baltic is fantastic by boat.

  3. I left a reply to these but it seems to have got lost (prob never saved). sorry ..

    Thanks again Andrew. The back is still painfull, esp in the morning. Getting up is a long slow process!

    Mike! Passed the Three Crowns many times. Maybe you know Tomek!! Not sure how good the writing etc has been but nice of you to say you got something out of it. It's not easy to write decent stuff & upload pics etc while on the road. Mostly, it feels like doing a post card rather than decent writing. But then ... that's the point. Cheers! R.
