Tuesday 25 May 2010

Kaunas, Lithuania, bye bye Wilma, breakfast at Alma's

Another very quick update (again, no photos - using the hotel lobby PC & didn't realise that it has free access to www, otherwise, I'd have come down & done a better job last night!) ..... photos now added!!

Well ... I made it! This is effectively the end of my journey. I wanted to finish here in Kaunas to visit Wilma's grave. She was a friend from here (long story - Lorrie, you may be the only person reading this apart from family who knew Wilma). I last saw Wilma at the airport as I saw her off to go home. She was ill then but sadly died here in Lithuania and I never saw her again. If I remember right, she was only in her late 30s. I've always wanted to come & say goodbye. (See photo below, now added.

Thanks to Wilma's daughter, Emilija for going with me (on the back of the bike!) to  visit her grave. Good luck with all your exams and change to photography if you decide to do that. Thanks a lot also to Eve who has looked after me here and hello to Alma and Eve's friend Giedre, it was lovely to meet and talk with you. The roof top restaurant was a relaxed place to meet and chat. Thanks. It was also very special to meet Alma after all these years and I hope we can meet again - maybe in the UK.

Have to keep this short but drove through Nth Poland to get here, the border was deserted, no police or officials). Kaunas is a lovely city, very clean and what I have seen of buildings and parks looks pleasant, well kept and good to visit). Sorry, no photos (weather poor and seemed to be no time). I have a bit of a dash to Klaidepa for the ferry at 5.30pm today. Meeting Eve for breakfast at her Mum's, then off. Still have the bad back - hope it holds up.

Sorry no pics again - will do a gallery or edit these last two blogs with pics later. Bye for now, Robert

PS - just had breakfast with Alma, Eve and Emilija, it was nice to see the photos - thanks for looking after me and for the back medicine!

Photos (added later) ....

Emilija (Wilma's daughter)

Alma & Eve (Wilma's sister & neice)
At Wilma's grave  ... some pilgrimage! Goodbye Wilma .... finally.


  1. It has been fascinating keeping up with your journey around Europe. Your descriptions and photos have kept me wanting more.
    I hope the last leg of your journey gets you home safely.
    A friend of mine went to Poland yesterday, I told her to take wellies and waterproofs.

    See you soon

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  4. Hi again Penny, glad the blog is of interest (sometimes I wonder if it's really of any benefit, it's been hard to keep up at times). I would have liked to write more & more "poetically" but that takes time I don't have. I believe bits of Poland still flooded and raining but maybe the worst has passed. It has also been cold. Even here in Esbjerg, the wind has a nip. Ta for the comments & see updates posted today, Robert

    Tracey & David ... Hello again! thanks for following & commenting. As before, it's been good to get the odd comment. At least you know people are reading what you write! Beard? what beard? Older but wiser maybe? Yes, I will get rid of it once home ... all it does is trap food - disgusting! See you soon, Robbie.

  5. Hi Tracey, I was messing about with the blog and accidentally removed your comment (the one about the beard!). Sorry. My reply still here though! R
