Monday 31 May 2010

BIRDIES! (as if you haven't seen enough of my fuzzy avian photos!)

(If you click on the photos, you get an enlarged view - takes you away from this page - press "back" arrow to return)

Woodlark (better pic than the one I put on while in Spain)

Woodchat Shrike (Spain)

Blue Rock Thrush (Pre-Pyrenees, Spain)

Black Wheatear (Pre-Pyrenees, Spain)
 Pied Wheatear (Kaliakra Bulgaria),
erm ... let me see?
If you can ID this, I'll give you a refund! (Bulgaria)

And this ....? (Spain)

White Stork (Croatia)
Great White Pelicans in formation (Danube Delta)

A beautiful female Grey Wagtail, just where she should be by a babbling stream (Transylvannia)

Coo ...!

Red-backed Shrike (should've got a much better pic than this, there were so many on my travels)

Grey Heron doing balancing act

THAT Bluethroat! this the view I got for 10 mins or more ... then ...
.... he turned round ... can't resist putting this in again! (Bierbza Marshes. Poland)

Thought this was a Citrine Wagtail for ages but it's a Yellow Wagtail (juvenile, I think)

Black Stork (at nest in Extramadura, Spain)
White Stork for comparison
(white in the wings at shoulder,
white head & neck)

And finally ... maybe the best bird of the trip; Three-toed Woodpecker ... because I really didn't think I'd see it at all and also because it is so rare, local and difficult to find. This one hung about less than 20 metres from me for over 10 minutes - so good!


  1. Could the un-id'd bird after the robin be a barred warbler? Something about the imobile jizz

  2. It's a nightingale! I put it in because it's so unusual to see one perched on a wire like this .. but it was singing away, so no doubt. Also wondered if any super-birders out there could ID it. Somehow, I don't think our super-birder friends have got here, or maybe they don't stoop to such frivolity!
