Sunday 25 April 2010

Boletas in foothills of the Pyrenees

Boletas (mentioned in the last, "Lammergeier", post) is a birdwatching centre/guest house where I stayed in comfort for a change on 19th & 20th April. It's near the Pyrenees and the owner, Joselle gave me great advice on where to go and then took me out for a morning with him to find some birds I'd missed, notably Wallcreeper. Didn't find that but went to some majestic places (eg Riglos pinnacles - see photo).

Before all this, on the way to Boletas across the Spanish Steppes of Aragon (sounds like something out of Lord of the Rings!), I stopped off for two difficult birds; Bonnelis Eagle and Dupont's Lark, the latter being particularly rare and difficult to find. The French couple in the photo here, helped me to find the birds, 3 in all, singing sadly in the beautiful evening light. Unable to tear myself away from this unique experience, I stayed until 8pm with a 90 min ride to Boletas, food and comfort! I MUST stop riding into the night with nowhere to stay (I've done this three times now ... not good).

Spain at this time of year has some spectacular flowers in bloom. I can't ID most of them but here are a few orchids to give a flavour. Lts of other stuff about this part of Spain but that's for when I come back. Uploading photos here takes ages (file sizes too large but I don't want to lower the res on the camera and lose quality). Also hard to use spanish keyboard layout (where's the @ key? ...just found it!). Later ...

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