Thursday 15 April 2010

Salamanca, NW Spain

Why does everything seem to be a "first"? This is the first blog I´ve ever done, it´s the first entry while on my travels (writing this in the reception of the Hotel Regio, just outside Salamanca - yes, I bottled out of camping here, despite that being the reason for choosing the place - more of that later) ... and this is my first bike journey of any description.

Anyhoo ... the fery was excellent. A fine smooth ship, a true floating hotel. Fab! Lots of interesting, friendly people, not least of whom was Robert Plant & his PA! To tell the truth, I spoke more to her than to him. He was quite taciturn & I can only barely say I met the great Robert Plant. His PA was super friendly (if you are reading this, I didn´t get your name, but thanks again for the use of your Mac & I hope you find this blog thingy of interest  ... get Mr Plant to donate ... maybe? hmmm?). Here is a photo of Steve Montgomery & Thomas Hernandez, furniture & drug wheeler dealers, restorers, entrepreneurs. Hello & good luck to Andrew on his cycling trip around Spain & S France.

I left Santander with a few other bikers, ALL of them on bigger, better bikes than mine, the inevitable BMW tourers of course - the money people must spend on these fabulous, colour-cordinated machines! I felt like the poor relation. Up into the mountains outside Santander and it got colder & colder. I had to stop after just 40 mins to wrap up. A guy on a Harley pulled in and we had a coffee together, swapped potted life stories and rode off together for about 20 mins until he peeled off to his new life in western Spain. Just ace, riding along, taking a lane each for a while, as we rolled South. His name is Sean Mathews and he´s a photographer. Sean, if you read this, I hope you´re fine in your home in Spain & I´ll facebook this for you, cheers!
Too much to write now but must give a bit to the birds ... how about Montague's Harrier, in the sunshine, flying alongside the bike in an adjacent field - now THAT´S birding! Other birdies; Marsh Harrier, loads of Black Kites, Vulture & Eagle spp (hard to ID from a bike!), Crested Lark, Corn Bunting. Couldn´t resist taking a photo of the bike in a sunny lay/by just after the Mont. Harrier encounter. I love this bike, it is my steed and we travel together. Unlike a car, the bike literally carries me where I want to go. I feel I should feed & water it with care(and just look at all that luggage I make the poor beast carry, it's inhumane!)

After this lot, the heavens opened. Thunder, lightning, rain & hail! - twice it forced me to stop for over half an hour (turned one stop into lunch which added a full hour to the run to Salamanca). Arrived here quite late, tired, a bit damp and couldn´t face putting up a bloody tent! Got a room (haggled but no joy! - only 40 euros though and this internet acces free anyway, so not bad).

Tomorrow, having a quick & early look at Salamanca, alledgedly the Cambridge of Spain due to it having the first University in the country eons of years ago (I´ll get the boring dates etc tomorrow!) then off to Monfrague National Park, a jewel in the Extramaduran crown and mouthwatering birds in stunning settings ... I hope!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Rob! Congratulations on getting there, well away from the volcano ash; I imagine the hardest part must have been leaving home! This is a first for me - becoming a 'follower' and posting a message on a blog! Looking forward to your next post!

  3. Hey Rob really keen to know where you've got to now and how the birding's going? Damn hope the weather is being kind to you, the softer amongst us are grateful for the roofs we hide under in our nice cosy cars!

  4. hey, cool bike. thanks for the blog. if you want to learn some Spanish on the road there is a good website/app: ( Buen viaje!

  5. Hi Andrew, John & Mara. Thanks for the comments. Sorry I didn't reply at the time - it was early days.

    Mara, I can't remmeber where we met but thanks for commenting and for Babbel - very useful. Best wishes, Robert
