Tuesday 20 April 2010


Oh yes! ... Lammergeier, such a fab bird (the bone breaking vulture for anyone not in the know, you know, the bird that drops bones from a height on to rocks to extract the marrow, not that I saw that happening - you need to go to special feeding events to witness that). Saw this enigmatic species on a long walk in the Pre-Pyrenees. Prior to this, rode the bike into the dark, cold night around Madrid (why was I so determined to get round Madrid despite having nowhere to stay?). Found a motel (should have been camping but the weather has been awful & I was very late). Next day rode on to NW Spain & Pyrenees. Boletas Birdwatching Centre & Josele Diaz. Went via Aguilon (Bonelli´s Eagle, thank you very much) and El Planeron (John, take note - Dupont´s Lark, baby!). Now at Boletas and have seen some amzing Pyrenean landscapes & birds (Lammergeier, Black Wheatear, Black eared Wheatear, Golden Eagle, Tawny Pipit, Thekla Lark),

Piece of advice for fellow travellers. Get to your next destination/accomodation before dark! ... and if booking in advance, consider staying two nights in places, not one ... it´s exhausting otherwise and I SO like being here at Boletas for the second night. Tomorrow, off with Joselle for a (unscheduled due to volcano cancellations) morning of guided birding for ... WALLCREEPER!

Ok that´s all I have time for. If they will upload, here are some more photos (Woodlark & the valley of the Lammergeier). Tomorrow it´s across the Pyrenees into France.


  1. Hi Rob, Super pics again! I really want to hear about the Pyrenees - and the scenery! I'm afraid I must admit I'm not really into birds; it's getting a bit technical for me; but I'm enjoying your trip from here! I forgot to ask you how you are on the languages of the countries you're visiting, Spanish, French, etc? I've taken the plunge and just signed up to an evening course in French; very low level mind you!

  2. Hi Andrew. I've just put on a little more on the Pyrenees. Just fabulous and I have lots more photos to whet your appetite. Maybe on my return we can have a session to give you more of a flavour. Maybe I should cool it with the birds! but it's such a fundamental part of my trip and I have a few birding friends who would at least want the highlights. I got along fine in Spain (cafe con leche is all you need!), my French is stilted, very bad grammar but I can converse a bit. I have no Italian (cafe Latte?) and as for East Europe ... forget it ... sign language! Hope you are bearing up and good luck with the French. You can teach me some!

  3. Hi Rob, just wanted to wish you well. Looks like you are having a great trip so far! The pics are great and the scenery looks amazing.

    .......for when you get to romania, "mersi" means thanks.......very easy to remember! I will ask mirela how you ask for coffee :)


  4. Hi Diccon - foumd your post at last. Thanks. I found out about Mersi fairky quickly - very useful! any Hungarian?? Thanks for following & texts
